Advanced Mode
Custom CSS Classes

Custom Css Classes

On all sliders, we append certain classes that you can use to further customize the slider. In the Infinite Slider, we inject two classes for the next slides and two for the previous slides. However, in Non-Infinite sliders, we inject two classes if there are more slides, one if there is only one additional slide, and none if there are no more slides.

.goat-next {
    /* This is applied to next slide */
    transform: scale(1.1);
.goat-next-next {
    /* This is applied to the slide after the next slide */
    transform: scale(1);
.goat-prev {
    /* This is applied to the previous slide */
    transform: scale(0.9);
.goat-prev-prev {
    /* This is applied to the slide before the previous slide */
    transform: scale(0.8);

We haven't tested all the edge cases for this one, and we don't provide support for it at the moment. However, you can explore it.