

Accounts are essential for everyone to continue using the Goat Slider app, it's the only way to create sliders, but an account is free and can be opened with few clicks using Google.

Use It Across All Your Webflow Accounts

Your account is connected to your Google account and not to your Webflow account, which means you can use it across all your Webflow accounts and workspaces without limitations at all.

Selling & Transferring Sites that include Goat Sliders

Whatever workspace or Webflow account you create the sliders with, they are part of that creation. Even if you log out of your account and transfer or sell the site with the slider, it will still work and remain part of that license. So yes, when you create a site and transfer it to your client, they will be able to use it without any problems, even if they are not part of your workspace or not logged in to the Goat Slider App with your account.

This applies even if you are not subscribed to our Pro plan.

How To Create An Account

In the app, you will see a user icon by default when the user is not signed in with an account. If you are signed in, you should see your avatar. To sign in, click the user icon, and then a popup will be shown from Google. Choose your desired Google account to join, and that's all.

Auth With Goat Slider