

Arrows allow you to navigate between the slides. Arrows are included on both Slider and Carousel Types. And allow a very smooth switch experience for the users. You can disable this option if you don't want to have them.

The arrows can be styled as you want, and all of their states can be directly manipulated using Webflow. This means you can also animate them and apply pseudo-classes to support hover or other interactions.

Arrow End Types

For the moment we support some arrow types with sliders. Based on the needs you can configure to support your idea of your slider and its creativity.

Hide Arrows At Start/End

This option hides the arrows at the start and end. So the users don't see the arrows to click on them. So this arrow ending case has no styles for hidden arrows.

Disable Arrows At Start/End

This option disables the arrows at the start and end. So the user can't click on them. Styles of the disabled state are editable too within the Webflow Designer.

Always Show Arrows

This option always shows the arrows. So the user can click on them. This is the only go for Infinite sliders.


Because of the flexibility, we don't prevent you from setting an infinite loop and disabling or hiding the arrows at the end. We aim to provide flexibility to users. However, using ends with an infinite loop is not a recommended approach but is still allowed.

A Deep Dive

Our team created a dedicated video on how to work with Arrows, their differences, and best practices.

Our team is working on the video, and will be available soon.