

In contrast to the Slider Type, Carousel is not a full hero-sized structure. Carousels can contain more slides per view (we recommend 4-5). Usually, this is used a lot to list blogs, features, testimonials, recipes, and much more.

Carousels can also be nested on top of each other, with some limitations in certain cases.

Goat Carousel Type

Out Of The Box

You can experiment with the sliders, even breaking their concepts. For example, trying to use the full-width sliders (one per view) even though Carousel is built to support multiple. Since we couldn't test all the edge cases, feel free to explore.

Slide Transitions

Transitions for Carousel types are not supported because of their structure.

Other Features

The key differences were mentioned; everything else is the same as Slider Type.


Slider Types can't be changed after the slider is created. If you want to change the type, you need to create a new slider.

Included License

We use Flickity and extend it in the background to create the carousels. Flickity requires a commercial license, which we have, so our customers (of the Goat Slider) can use the sliders for free forever without worries.

A Deep Dive

Our team created a dedicated video on how the Carousel Type works, transitions and Carousel-Type specific features it includes.

Our team is working on the video, and will be available soon.